I must share with you that one of the main reasons I have been able to start this blog is because of FORGIVENESS. I have fully and genuinely FORGIVEN someone who hurt me as a child, and I did this about 6 years ago, my friends , it took me 18 years to do that, but I eventually did it. The liberation and freedom I feel from forgiveness is something I cannot describe, and hence the last post I chose by Tyler Perry ends with the sentence "when you do forgive you start walking forward"how so very TRUE!!!!! I want to tell you or remind you that as long as you harbour resentment or anger or bitterness towards someone (whom may be non the wiser about how you feel)YOU are the one drinking the poison on a daily bases, NOT THEM!!! but as soon as you come to terms with it all, and slowly start working through the forgivenss process , ONLY THEN DO YOU REALISE THE ABSOLUTE FREEDOM ATTACHED TO FORGIVENESS!!! Please learn from me, there is no need to harbour such anger for so long, or perhaps guilt for so long, FIRST AND FORE MOST, you need to understand where that person was at there life (when they hurt you) and secondly, are you honestly going to give them the POWER TO MOULD YOUR LIFE OR FUTURE AROUND YOUR HURT OR WHAT THEY DID TO HURT YOU...........ANSWER...NO!!!! I realised that the person who hurt me was sick, and that actually he needed help, I worked my way around certain questions I had and slowly I forgave him. I can honestly tell you from the bottom of my heart that I bare no anger, resentment, or bitterness towards him at all, but the best part is , from the MOMENT I REALISED I HAD FORGIVEN HIM - I FOUND FREEDOM IN MY LIFE. You too, can have that freedom, you too, can experience the soul cleansing feeling of letting go of all guilt or hurt or bad feelings attached to whomever harmed you for no other reason but to HELP YOU.!!!!
I must share with you that one of the main reasons I have been able to start this blog is because of FORGIVENESS. I have fully and genuinely FORGIVEN someone who hurt me as a child, and I did this about 6 years ago, my friends , it took me 18 years to do that, but I eventually did it. The liberation and freedom I feel from forgiveness is something I cannot describe, and hence the last post I chose by Tyler Perry ends with the sentence "when you do forgive you start walking forward"how so very TRUE!!!!! I want to tell you or remind you that as long as you harbour resentment or anger or bitterness towards someone (whom may be non the wiser about how you feel)YOU are the one drinking the poison on a daily bases, NOT THEM!!! but as soon as you come to terms with it all, and slowly start working through the forgivenss process , ONLY THEN DO YOU REALISE THE ABSOLUTE FREEDOM ATTACHED TO FORGIVENESS!!! Please learn from me, there is no need to harbour such anger for so long, or perhaps guilt for so long, FIRST AND FORE MOST, you need to understand where that person was at there life (when they hurt you) and secondly, are you honestly going to give them the POWER TO MOULD YOUR LIFE OR FUTURE AROUND YOUR HURT OR WHAT THEY DID TO HURT YOU...........ANSWER...NO!!!! I realised that the person who hurt me was sick, and that actually he needed help, I worked my way around certain questions I had and slowly I forgave him. I can honestly tell you from the bottom of my heart that I bare no anger, resentment, or bitterness towards him at all, but the best part is , from the MOMENT I REALISED I HAD FORGIVEN HIM - I FOUND FREEDOM IN MY LIFE. You too, can have that freedom, you too, can experience the soul cleansing feeling of letting go of all guilt or hurt or bad feelings attached to whomever harmed you for no other reason but to HELP YOU.!!!!
YOU are in my thoughts as always.
love Nadia