Monday, 20 August 2012


You need to learn how to select your thoughts just the same way you select your clothes every day. This is a power you can cultivate. If you want to control things in your life so bad, work on the mind. That's the only thing you should be trying to control.


  1. Ill teach you an easy way to remember the above.........TEA!!! THOUGHTS turn to EMOTIONS which eventually turns into an ACTION......!!! think about it!! everything starts with a mere thought!!! and its that exact reason people who self harm need to learn this and be taught this........if they practise to break the thought process pattern and shift it to another place before it turns into AN EMOTION..........they have prevented the cycle from turning into a full circle and concluding with them inflicting pain on themselves........!! NO ONE TAUGHT this to me. I honestly wish I had someone who had told me this or trained me or met with me!! This "thought process"is used by in a business deal, wanting a promotion, affairs,great ideas that materialise..........THOUGHTS EMOTIONS ACTIONS!! BUT YOU NEED TO TRAIN YOUR BRAIN TO THINK THE RIGHT THOUGHTS!!!!!!!! TRAIN YOUR BRAIN!!!!!!!! now thats the challenging bit. you can either be THE MASTER OF YOUR MIND, or you can alllow your MIND TO BE THE MASTER OF YOU!!.......if you allow the mind to be the master of you......YOU ARE IN SERIOUS CRAP!!!!

  2. actually anyone who has done life coaching will know what I was talking about....I did level one, and that is where I learnt about how the thought process works......
