Sometimes we feel guilty because we dont understand why we are feeling lousy. you may have a beautiful home, great school or college or happy marriage, wonderful job and happy, healthy children yet feel like you have NOTHING!! People go through life feeling all kinds of emotions, you dont have to walk around justifying how you feel to the world all the time. For me its as simple as this ," if you feel it, then its real enough for you!" irrelavant of the reason or NO REASON, and what you need to understand is that we live stressful busy lives and cant be grinning from ear to ear every day all day, so it is quite normal for us to hit these dips and feel low at times...........pick up the phone, call a friend who understands and cares and do something different or fun!! it will take the focus away on how you are feeling for a while...........
Q: What makes YOU feel better when you feeling lousy?..........................
The reason I decided to write the statement above, is I often have friends or family members that perhaps go through bad stages in their lives, be it finances, relationships, children, work, no work , and the list goes ooooooooon and oooooooon and ooooooooonnnn!!! or they simply not able to put their fingure down as to why it is exactly that they are feeling so low, and automatically an apology is followed after they open up to me...........NOW let me tell you a little something, YOU DONT EVER HAVE TO APOLOGIZE for the way YOU FEEL.........EVER!! if its real to you, its real to you and that is all that matters, i cant bare it when people try belittle what you have just expressed as sensitive to you by saying......"dont be silly"or something else to that affect......!! and just because you perhaps havent had too much chaos or trauma in your life, does not mean to say THAT YOUR EMOTIONAL STATE OR PROBLEM IS INFERIOR to someone else that has gone through hectic trauma so i think you should honestly stop criticising yourself for feeling the way you do at times and stop feeling guilty........YOU ARE ALLOWED TO FEEL THE WAY YOU DO ........ITS A FREE WORLD. just dont let it suck you dry for too long, been there, done that, and you know what. it takes a long time to bounce back ;)