Today we start a new week, with new goals and new dreams.
Its a new beginning as is everyday with new chances and plenty of opportunity's.
Its not always the best day of the week,but just for today, I am going to choose to smile, wallk up straight, be kind, open the door for someone, help an old person pack their groceries in their car, or simply be the first to warmly greet a homeless man.
Today I choose to be positive and try forget my worries, my hurt, and my woes, and I know it will not be easy, but if I try it just for today, it may be worth it.
Happy Monday
you know when i lost my son, and went through my divorce, there were days when honestly I couldnt breathe, but on the days i managed to cope was on the days i realsied i had given myself SMALL MILESTONES........JUST FOR THE NEXT 5 MINS......JUST FOR THE NEXT 30 MINS........JUST FOR THE NEXT HOUR AND SO ON AND SO ON UNTIL EVENTUALLY....................JUST FOR TODAY.......!!! and if you are going through a really painful time right now where time feels like every minute is an hour, break it all down, give yourself SMALLER MILESTONES and see how much more it will help you..........why dont you try that and let me know how it worked for you!! i would love to hear from it on the site or by email.