Monday, 20 August 2012

Start the day with a Positive Thought.............

Remember that every action begins with a mere THOUGHT!! If you are going through any form of problems at the moment, be it finance, family, relationships, or feeling the pain of loss, low self esteem etc, start your  day with just a POSITIVE THOUGHT and if it takes some times to find one, then sit down and think until you find one.......and JUST TODAY , Im going to ask you to think of the same  POSITIVE THOUGHT THROUGH OUT THE DAY!!
When ever you catch yourself feeling sad or going down the "negative road", I want you to CONSCIENCELY THINK POSITIVE!!

1 comment:

  1. you know for years, I battled to find ONE good thought, I just refused to find any, to SEE ANY! The lenses I saw the world through were so fogged up and so misted that I didnt care to make that effort, and We have ALL BEEN there!! If you havent, well then you are one lucky person!! but it gets to the stage where you can carry on looking through those lenses, or you can say to yourself, STOP!!! take these lenses off and TRY SEE what those positive people see........TRY!!! not everyone wakes up whistling OH HAPPY DAYS!! People work at it, they consciencely decide that they no longer are going to be moaners, and negative people who see the bad in everything in life, and thats what YOU NEED TO DECIDE!! no one can decide that for you!! In all the difficult and challenging times I experienced, one thing I was advised which was spot on, was that i was advised to keep a diary, to diarise all my thoughts and emotions, ESPECIALLY someone like me WHO BATTLES TO EXPRESS MY EMOTIONS, and let me tell you, it helps. find positive affirmations and write them down, read them to yourself again and again before you start your day. but lets start with baby steps, if you battling to be positive, JUST FOR TODAY, pick ONE THOUGHT AND THINK ABOUT IT THROUGH OUT THE DAY. YOU are stronger, BRAVER, and full of FIRE deep in your soul to get you through this day, and you will get through it by thinking POSITIVE!!!
