Wednesday, 22 August 2012

Beat Anxiety - Oprah's tips on exactly how to do it

No one knows anxiety better than Oprah. She had the most chronic child hood yet she has come out this raging succes, an icon, and example  of what more of the human race should be like, hence I decided to publish one of her links on anxiety on the blog.........if at any point you are suffering from anxiety, FIRST THING IS FIRST. ten deep breaths............THEN CLCIK HERE.........and when you have completed reading this article, I want you to go into the link on this blog that is called "25 top feel good movies".......that will distract you, shift your focus to something else and make you feel better..........BE STRONG, BE BRAVE AND REMEMBER ANXIETY IS IN THE HEAD, DONT LET IT WIN, SHIFT YOUR MIND AND WALK AWAY FROM IT!!!


Love Nadia 


  1. Nadia, you are a beautiful person inside and out! No one could ever guess what you were going through, you were the most popular girl at school. Your blog is going to help many people out there! Well done!!!

    1. Thank you so much for your beautiful kind words. Its always great to be able to have this kind of dialogue going on the blog and to read encouraging words such as yours. Im hoping people will start feeling comfortable enough to voice their emotions on the blog so that eventually many may come forward and realise YOU ARE NOT ALONE and secondly , on a global net like this, there will be someone out there you idnetify with. so lets hold thumbs for more dialogue like you initiated now. Have a beautiful day Lavender ;-)
