Thursday 30 August 2012

Guilt is not invited TODAY!!

As we all know Guilt can follow us around like our shadow and with every step we take, poison our breath and mind at the same very time. Today I'd like you to make a conscience effort to formally UN - INVITE guilt or negative thoughts where ever you go today.
This morning you maybe getting ready to go to gym or work and whilst in the traffic on the way to your destination this morning a negative thought comes into your mind and before you know it you are feeling the guilty or lousy, but today, I would like you to try something new, I would like you to stop that thought immediately by un-inviting that thought by saying somthing like this to it... TODAY YOU ARE NOT INVITED IN THE CAR WITH ME, NOR ARE YOU INVITED TO GYM OR WORK WITH ME"and quickly turn on the radio or try and change your train of thought. Continue to do this all day. if later on you are having lunch and once again a negative thought ïs entering your mind, or you have suddenly found yourself feelinng guilty about something again, STOP THE TRAIN OF THOUGHT THERE AND THEN, and once again as you did earlier, I would like you to UN-INVITED THAT EMOTION OR FEELING and throw it out of where you are and change your train of thought. DO NOT ALLOW THE POWER OF A THOUGHT OR EMOTION RULE OVER THE STRENGTH OR POWER OF YOUR MIND . Take full control of the situation by taking CONTROL of YOUR THOUGHT PROCESS AND TURNING THAT THOUGHT OR EMOTION INTO A POSITIVE ONE AND STOPPING THE NEGATIVE ONE IN ITS TRACKS BEFORE YOU ALLOW IT TO AFFECT YOU EMOTIONALLY.

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